Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Seven Principles of An Organic Growth Program
Mon, 2009-08-17 15:36 — Steve Litzow


This is a very insightful article on the complexities of driving organic growth.....

"Driving organic growth in an organization is not as simple as implementing a strategy or rolling out a new framework. It is a complex multi-component program that usually takes many years to implement. While framework and tools are essential ingredients, the success of the program is rooted in managing the culture change in the organization and creating hunger within the organization for a new, customer-centric approach.

1. Tie into Corporate Performance Goals
Action: Develop Business Goals for your demand generation initiative and have them communicated to every relevant person by the CEO/CMO.
Ensure customer-centricity from the top
Action: Identify the iconic behaviors for senior management that will signal customer-centricity the most to your organization and monitor and communicate the same.
3. Make a change in the power center
Action: Identify the power center of your organization and determine how that can
be influenced by customer-centric “outside-in” thinking.
4. Pick your battles

Action: To prioritize your efforts, conduct assessment and benchmarking to identify the areas that are both critical and broken.
Be impatient for results and patient for organizational behavior change
Action: Create the pull for customer-centric approach and tools by focusing initially on proving a success model rather than process development, training or any other classic capability-building efforts.
(change is always better driven by success than jut in-depth studies)
Modify rewards and incentives
Action: Involve an HR representative in the core team and ensure that a review of rewards and incentives is made an integral part of the program.
Leverage key people
Action: Identify how best to bring external perspective into the core team and create a combination of internal experience and external perspectives to create a balanced program."

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