Saturday, August 07, 2010

When formulating your mobile-related business-model strategy, think behavioral, not technological
By G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Vitón
The Innovation Engine Business Week July 27, 2010, 1:31PM EST

I thought this was a thought provoking approach to connecting with your customer base to drive innovation. Even in business-to-business situations, I can envision using digital mobility distributions to replace more traditional approaches. Just some “food for thought”.

" retaining customers, winning new business, and communicating with
existing customers and potential ones through their cell phones, PDAs,
smartphones, and such other mobile devices as the iPad (AAPL) and HP (HPQ)
...To understand where mobility fits in, you first need to know
it's the fastest-growing communication platform in history. What accounts for
the rapid growth? We've identified five behavioral (not technical) reasons,
factors that explain why people just adore their cell phones and why you should
make mobility part of your innovation strategy.
1) The world loves instant
gratification. Thanks to mobile phones, we can make connections and decisions at
any time or place.
2) We like filling time vs. killing time. We create
mobile experiences in four- to 10-minute increments....
3) We crave
superhero powers. Our mobile phones allow us to interact in multiple places at
the same time....
4) We modify, adapt, hack, and generally MacGyver
everything we get our hands on. Give people a tool, especially a technology or
digital tool or channel, and they use it to achieve their goals in ways you
never imagined...
5) We think of our mobile device as our "No. 1 recovery
tool," and we never leave home without it. Why? It is a lifeline. Our cell
phones are the first thing we reach for when we're away from home or the office
and a problem comes up."

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